Friday, February 26, 2010

The Different Types of Thinkers...

There are 7 billion people in this world. Each has their own brand of wondering about the world around them. However, I think everyone's thinking methods can grouped into 3 umbrella categories: Intellectuals, Philosophicals, and Tactiles. Each have their own way to try and satiate that core of human nature: the desire for knowledge.


These are the kinds of people that are curious. They want to know all about the world around them. These people want to know more and more things about every subject that exists. However, a problem with this is that they don't go too deep into what they learn, just know it as a fact, sometimes not even understanding it!


Pretty much the opposite of Intellectuals, these are the people that are thoughtful. Whatever they know, they think and think upon it, and try to really understand all the little intricacies of it. They form their own opinion about it, their own answer to the great questions of mankind: What is life? What is happiness? Emotion? The drawback of this type of thinking is that sometimes, they are not curious enough.. They do not want to know more things, just think about the things they do.


The odd man out, Tactiles think by doing things. For example, a tactile could only learn about tennis by actually playing it. They could only learn about, say, Paris, by going there and seeing the sights. This type of thinker is quite rare, though, and they often have jobs that require doing a lot of things. The drawback for this kind of people is that they will never fully understand something that they haven't done before.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot the majority of our human population: the ones who don't even think. ;D
