Tuesday, December 28, 2010


;fi hauor;eah dfjah;owriuf adiuf;eiufij pooooooaid;fjdk adiuoa;weif dkjas;dkfjh ia;sofr adklfjdk djfioa;odkj a;dkfjw aoief ! a;dfkjds a;diofu :? a;odfij aos;dif aoeirui auei;:))))) ;sdfija ;l"*(a dio;aier fjdiso;aodlkfjc aeo;riuea djklx;ae ifua;e oriu a;eoiru a;dfiou aieur;oaieu'EIDOJA;j alifj a;eorija ioe;aoijfdkajskdjwoei;FJ AKDJ;EEEEEEEEEEEEEHRA; ORA;O O;;soirug s;oriu sior;eitu uigfos;gfij iaer;sots ri;toiurt iutor;siruti or;asrtu irsuo;riturisuriitiriri.
what can i say?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Game Review: Call of Duty Black Ops

So, the gaming event of the century has come around: the 7th installation in the highest-selling FPS series of all time has arrived! Black Ops is a pleasant improvement on Modern Warfare 2, the previous installation, with few problems or glitches so far. I liked the addition of money as a way to unlock features. It was a good balance of making things super easy to get, or unimaginably hard to get as well. I've only really played the Multiplayer and Zombie modes so far. The Multiplayer is great, the stages are pretty awesome and I like the new and returning killstreaks (RCXD, Dogs). The graphics are a bit weird at first if you've been playing CODMW2, but you soon realize that it's just different, not any worse than the last one. Treyarch was creative in making this game set in the 60s and 70s; I've never actually seen a big-budget mainstream game set then, and it turned out to be a good idea, based on the sales. I hadn't played Zombies on WAW, but from what I've played on this, I don't like it. But don't take my word for it: it's apparently almost the same as the one from WAW, so if you liked that, you'll like this. It's possibly also because I only played for about 5 minutes, and was only allowed to use a pistol. Anyways, some people say it's not as good as MW2, but I believe it's at least at the same level, if not better.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

2010 Elections

Oh my goodness, people are getting seriously riled up at this election. Are the Republicans going to regain the Senate? What about the Tea Party people? But what I want to talk about here is, I think, easy to understand: Meg Whitman is an idiot not fit to be the Governor of California. She's spent 120 million dollars on her campaign, and is still losing in the polls to Jerry Brown, who's spent only 4 million dollars. Also, she is against amnesty, which most Californians are definitely for. Her "business tactics" have been tried before, and they never have worked before. And we already tried putting a celebrity in office, and we all know how well that went! I mean, seriously, just because you were the CEO of Ebay doesn't mean you are an effective politician!

South Park

South Park, is like, the greatest show ever!!!! It shows the time-honored saying that one should always laugh at themselves, otherwise life won't be fun at all. South Park makes fun of everything and anything in sight, and it's really funny, too. The people who are offended by it are kind of stupid, because they're taking a COMEDY show seriously. I also love the type of humor that they provide. One episode shows someone trying to take a huge crap, and there's text on the bottom that says "4-time Emmy Nominee"! They even made fun of the Emmies, implying that they make stupid decisions sometimes. As I say sometimes, if they've never been on South Park, they're not famous enough! It takes the topic of childrens' "innocence" and brings it into contact with the adult world. It's a show that takes every aspect of popular culture it can, and turns them over on their side. However, it also shows us all when we're being a bit stupid about things, and that always helps, doesn't it? RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH!!!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Xbox 360: Kinect

This new motion-sensing technology from Microsoft is completely, totally, STUPID!!!! There are various reasons for this. For one thing, it costs way too much. $150 dollars for just the sensor? I've seen similar sensors that go for about 20 bucks! I can see some people going for the Xbox 360-Kinect bundle, but it's really too much for people that already have the Xbox. Another thing is, it takes out the whole experience of gaming. One of the things we geeks like most about video games is that they require almost no physical activity, that I can shoot things without getting off of my seat. This is the reason many hard-core gamers passed on the Wii, because it was so... family-friendly, a bit too much. This is even worse. No controller at all this time, so it's just you jumping around in front of a screen. It's making video games into real games, and the best gamers really, really don't want that.

Friday, June 25, 2010

FIFA World Cup

I'm just as happy as the rest of you about the USA getting into knockout rounds, don't worry about that. But I really just hate the World Cup, somehow. Like those idiotic referees. Disallowing 2 perfectly normal USA goals? What do they have against us, eh? And they've made plenty of other dumb calls too. Maybe those stupid horns are somehow blurring their vision... That brings me to another point: the vuvuzelas. They were created by some dude called Schalkwyk in South Africa in 2001 to mimic ancient hunting horns. Those hunters would probably go deaf if they heard the noise that these ones make! Argh, this is soooo late. But anyways, USA bombed in the group of 16, and Spain got 4 1-0 wins in a row to get the championship. It's been a weird World Cup, but at the end, one of the favorites won. It's the first European win outside of Europe, though, so that's cause for celebration, right?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Beyond Petroleum"? Yeah, right...

You've probably heard about that huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Well, it's still going on, and it's getting a lot worse. There are now large slicks on the surface of the Gulf, and of course, many animals have died. But what really annoys me is that all these idiotic Republicans that are calling it "a common mistake" and saying that things like this "always happen". The CEO of BP recently declined to meet with Joe Biden due to "overworking", but he was spotted sailing on his yacht! Do they even care? And another thing... I just hate it when companies are so hypocritical. BP recently changed it's name to "Beyond Petroleum". Not only is that very ironic right now, it doesn't make any sense, because if we went beyond petroleum, they would go bankrupt! It's almost like those childrens' TV channels encouraging them to stop watching TV and go play outside. I mean seriously, no company is selfless enough to really want people to stop giving them their money, whatever you want to believe.

More Pokemon News/Prince of Persia Review

So, the mascots for Black and White have finally been revealed! THey are to be called Reshiram and Zekrom. Reshiram is the white one, and will be the mascot for Pokemon Black. Zekrom is black and will appear in Pokemon White. I personally think the designs are a bit extravagant, and look more like Yu-gi-oh than Pokemon. They are both part Dragon type, and Zekrom is possibly also Electric, but this is not known for sure. The names have also been released on the English sites, so Reshiram and Zekrom are also the English names.

Prince of Persia
This movie, based on a popular video game, was made by Disney and came out May 28. It had very nice graphics and decoration. The storyline was a bit, y'know, Disneyfied, but it was still pretty cool. It's strangely reminiscent of Indiana Jones at times, too. However, the characters and the story are satisfyingly complex, and not too bland. The action scenes were great as well, so I guess the parkour training paid off! I would give it a 9/10, but only because I just love Disney and fantasy, so I'm biased.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pacman's 30th Birthday!

Ah, even that ageless veteran of gaming, the yellow circle with a mouth, is getting a bit old. However, there are still many fans, enough to give him a heck of a party. There were Pacman parties in San Francisco and New York.
Pacman was first released on May 22, 1980 in Japan and was created by Toru Iwatani. Though it was considered an OK game that wouldn't sell well, this prediction was proven wrong in America. American gamers wanted a break from the space shooters and sports games which dominated the market at the time. Also, since there was no gender-specific things, it was wildly popular with everyone. It became a pop-culture icon, spawning many spoofs and sequels, allusions in TV shows, and a hit single. To commemorate the event, Yesterday Google made its first interactive Google Doodle: A fully playable version of Pac-Man incorporated into the logo.

Pokemon News!!!!!!!!

If you're any kind of a Pokemon fan, you've probably already heard this, but I thought I'd say it anyways: The Generation V region was named Isshu, and the starter Pokemon and their Japanese names have been released! Water is Mijumaru, the Sea Otter. Fire is Pokabu, the Fire Pig. Grass is Tsutarja, the Grass Snake. There have been a lot of other revelations as well. For example, the battle system has undergone a few changes. The sprites move while not attacking. Also, every attack has its own zoom out and zoom in animation. Also, one method has been revealed on how to get Zoroark: send the 3 shiny beasts from the Japanese movie 13 to Black and White, and you can start a battle with a level 25 Zoroark. Its ability is called Illusion, and has to do with it changing into other Pokemon. Last but not least, some areas in Isshu have been named. There is a large city called Hiun City that is on the sea, and it has a bridge called Sky Arrow Bridge connecting it with something else. Some other screenshots of the older protagonists include them in a forest, a magnetic cave, a factory area, and another town that appears to be the starting town.