Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stream of Consciousness

A "stream of consciousness" is a form of writing that shows the intricacies of the human brain. Pretty much, just write whatever comes into your head for a few minutes, then read it. 1.... 2... 3... GO!!!!
I'm so tired, I ve been sleeping so late. Man, I'm at school right now, and I'm able to do this because I have no class this period. Eh, stupid Scheduling Department. I'm feeling so bored, that's why I'm even doing this . In a couple of hours I have to take a 70 question test to possibly qualify for the State Geography Bee... I'm so nervous. Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of state. I am reading the Red Badge of Courage, It's pretty good. Acid and Bases Neutralize each other. My science teacher is weird. I believe in Aliens. I mean really, this universe is huge, I don't think we're alone. OOh they found water on the moon by crashing an expensive piece of equipment. Why? Kind of idiotic, did they really need to destroy taxpayer money. Man, I like Eragon, but Harry Potter is better. I forget things a lot.

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